All about access plans, subscriptions, orders and more.
- How can my customers switch from credit card to PayPal payments or vice versa?
- How do you allow students to gain access to courses and memberships with access plans?
- Order Management
- Student Enrollment
- Terms and Conditions Settings
- Refunds in LifterLMS
- LifterLMS Orders
- The Checkout Page
- How to Create and Use Coupons
- Using the LifterLMS Manual Payment Gateway
- How many pricing models can I set up for each course or membership?
- Student Subscription Cancellation
- Payment plan subscription orders and LifterLMS 5.3.0
- What happens to existing customers if I change the price on a recurring payment access plan?
- How can I make a user who buys a subscription able to unsubscribe?
- How can I accept credit card payments on my course site?
- How can I create members only pricing for courses?