Student Subscription Cancellation
Students can cancel their recurring subscriptions to a course or membership via the order management screen for any recurring order on the Student Dashboard.
To cancel a recurring subscription to a course or membership follow these steps, ensuring your logged in as a student with an existing recurring subscription:
- Navigate to the Student Dashboard on the front-end of your site
- Click the “Orders History” link
- From the list of orders, click “View Order” for a recurring subscription
- On the order management screen click the “Cancel Subscription” button
- A confirmation message will appear, confirm the confirmation to cancel the subscription.
- The subscription will now move from “Active” to “Pending Cancellation.” This will allow the student to continue accessing the course until their next payment is due. When the next payment is due the subscription will be move to “Cancelled” and the student will be unenrolled from the course or membership and no further payments will be attempted.
By default, students may self-cancel their subscriptions using the above method. If you’d like to disable this feature you can use the filter llms_allow_subscription_cancellation.