How To Run a Group Coaching Mastermind Call for Your Members

Have you ever felt frustrated when trying to add a recurring group call to your online program for your members. Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed having to always lead everything when you know there’s wisdom in the crowd.

Chris Badgett noticed a great question from Mike and Callie’s Membership Mastermind Facebook group about group coaching on Zoom. Andy from that group was looking for ideas on how to run a group coaching call with a social component with mastermind-style “hot seats.” We shared how we do it at the LifterLMS Office Hours Mastermind and he asked for more detail, so we made this video for him and others with the same question.

Perhaps you’re struggling with one of these challenges …

  • Constantly having to be the person with all the answers is exhausting
  • Running group calls can be chaotic without a system
  • Members show up once and never return again

We’re going to help you create an Office Hours Mastermind call for your membership so you can …

  • Leverage the intelligence and experience of your community in addition to your leadership
  • Run a high value group coaching call and community mastermind with a proven system
  • Keep members coming back month after month, year after year

The 6 key principles of creating a lead generating website…

  1. Set the intention and explain the process as you open the call
  2. Collect the agenda so you can manage time and start with the most high value topics first
  3. Guide the call to keep things moving, maintain a safe space, and let all contributing voices be heard
  4. Call out those to assist with niche experience so you can leverage the wisdom of the tribe
  5. Post the links mentioned in the chat and curate inside the social learning area
  6. Keep the call at the same time every week or month so you integrate the regular meeting into your clients’ calendar rhythm

Chris Badgett has been running an Office Hours Mastermind call weekly for 4 years. He used to run it as a webinar in the beginning, but quickly learned that was less engaging, and there was a desire for attendees to participate more than through the chat. The group coaching mastermind system presented here has been developed of 4 and a half years of trial and error.

Information is becoming a commodity. It’s the level of access to the creator and support that allows for premium pricing for an online course or training based membership site. You can add a time boxed group mastermind call to your offer, and dramatically increase the value of the learning experience.

If you’re building websites for clients in the expert industry, help them see the opportunity of running an Office Hours Mastermind call. They can add much greater value (with minimal time commitment) which allows them to generate more revenue from their online learning platform.