3 Ways to Do Bulk Enrollment into Your WordPress LMS

Why bulk enrollment?

LifterLMS is an extremely flexible learning management system that can be used in a wide variety of scenarios.
Many in the LifterLMS community sell courses and memberships for profit directly to their end customer.
But there are other scenarios that are common when bulk enrollment is a useful functionality like where:

  • A teacher with a traditional classroom is using the LMS to blend in online training into his or her existing student base.
  • A corporation or small business is leveraging the LMS for internal training purposes.
  • Sales have already occurred through a different system or software and the users just need to be manually added to their purchased courses or memberships.

Option 1: Using the WordPress users list to bulk enroll

If the users are already on the website, then manually adding the users to the courses or memberships from the WordPress users screen is possible in a few clicks.

  1. Navigate to the users screen
  2. Select the users you would like to add to a course or membership
  3. Select the course or membership you would like to enroll them to
  4. Click the enroll button

Option 2: Enrolling groups from the course or membership

It’s also possible to manually enroll users on your side directly from the course or membership edit screen.
Simply scroll down to the area called “Student Management” and look for the “Enroll New Students” box.
You can bulk enroll a user or groups of users that are on your site directly from here.
You can browse your users lists while adding or search for a user to add by typing either their name or email address.

Also note that there are additional WordPress plugins out there that you can research and test to bulk import users. This is helpful if you want to bulk enroll some users with LifterLMS, but you haven’t added the users to your site yet.

Option 3: Using vouchers for bulk enrollment

The LifterLMS voucher system is incredibly powerful for bulk enrollment where you outsource the creation of a user to the end student.
This is helpful if the users you want to bulk enroll are not on your website as users yet.
Instead of creating users for people, sometimes it’s better to let people register on your website on their own, which gives them the opportunity to input their best email address and a password they will remember.
Click here for a detailed tour of the LifterLMS voucher system.

Bulk Enrollment Video Tutorial

Where to go from here …

If you want to explore these features further head on over to the LifterLMS documentation.
If this sounds interesting, but you are looking to sell courses and have the enrollment be 100% automated, then check out this tour of the LifterLMS access plan system.
Come join the conversation in the LifterLMS Facebook group.