Open Registration

Open Registration is useful if you are trying to collect email addresses and/or if you have a B2B training course and want to be able to sell or provide bulk vouchers.  If a user is not logged in, or does not have an account they can use Open Registration if it is enabled on your site.

  1. To enable Open Registration go to LifterLMS > Settings while logged in as an admin.
    How to get to the LifterLMS Settings page.
  2. Select Accounts.
    LifterLMS Accounts tab under the Settings page.
  3. Scroll down to Open Registration and check enable.
    Check the checkbox for Open Registration.

Video Tutorial

Invite Students to Register

To use Open Registration, direct students to create accounts on the Student Dashboard page.

When a logged out visitor comes to this page, they will see a form to either log in or register.

Note: Open Registration is required if you are using vouchers to allow students to enroll in a course without signing up for an access plan. If you only want students to with a voucher to be able to register, you should also make sure to make vouchers are required.

Learn more about the LifterLMS Voucher system in this companion documentation.

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