LaunchPad Settings: Links and Buttons

Configure the appearance of the website’s links and buttons.

Section: Link Styling

Customize the style of website links.

Setting: Primary Link Color

Select a color to be used for the default state of links on the website.

Setting: Primary Link Hover Color

Select a color to be used for the hovered state of links on the website.


Section: Button Styling

Customize the style of buttons on the website.

Setting: Primary Button Background Color

Select a color to be used as the background color of primary buttons.

Setting: Primary Button Font Color

Select a color to be used as the text color of primary buttons.

Setting: Primary Button Border Color

Select a color to be used as the border color of primary buttons.

Setting: Primary Button Background Hover Color

Select a color to be used as the background color of primary buttons during a mouse hover event.

Setting: Primary Button Font Hover Color

Select a color to be used as the text color of primary buttons during a mouse hover event.

Setting: Primary Button Border Hover Color

Select a color to be used as the border color of primary buttons during a mouse hover event.

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