Adding custom columns to reporting tables and export files

Custom columns can be added to LifterLMS Reporting for both a table view and in the downloadable CSV export files.

This example shows how to add custom columns to the students table at LifterLMS > Reporting.

The hook in this example adds new columns to the LifterLMS > Reporting > Students table and export file.

You can add columns to other reporting tables by changing the hook used. Replace students in the add_filter hooks with the ID of your chosen reporting table:

  • Students: students
  • Student (single) achievements: achievements
  • Student (single) certificates: certificates
  • Student (single) courses: student-courses
  • Student (single) course: student-course
  • Student (single) memberships: student-memberships
  • Courses: courses
  • Course (single) students: course-students

Note that when outputting the data using the llms_table_get_data_{$table_id} filter, the 3rd parameter ($data in the example) differs depending on the table.

It is not always an LLMS_Student object.

Refer to the core plugin code or use var_dump( $data ); to inspect the data passed to the table you’re customizing.

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