LaunchPad Settings: Header

Here you’ll find settings related to your website’s header, including your logo, site title and description, and primary menu.

Section: Site title and description

Setting: Logo

Upload an image to or select an image from your WordPress Media Library which will be displayed in the top left corner of all pages of your website.

Logo upload is optional. If you do not upload a Logo LaunchPad will display your WordPress Site Title as set in your WordPress General Settings.


LaunchPad Logo Setting



Setting: Tagline Display

Checking this box will display your Tagline below your Logo or Title. Your Tagline can be set in your WordPress General Settings.

LaunchPad Tagline Display setting


Setting: Site Title Font Color

Use the color picker to choose the color of your site’s title. This setting is not necessary if you have uploaded a Logo in the above setting.


Setting: Site Description Font Color

Use the color picker to choose the color of your site’s description tagline. This setting is not necessary if you are not displaying your site tagline using the above setting.


Section: Main Menu Settings

Main Menu Font Color

Use the color picker to select color for the default state of links in the primary menu.

Main Menu Font Hover Color

Use the color picker to select color for the hovered state of links in the primary menu.


Section: Site Header Background

Setting: Background Image

Upload an image to use as a background image for the header area.

Setting: Background Image Horizontal Positioning

Determine how the header background image will be horizontally aligned within the header.

If no background image is uploaded, this setting has no effect.

Setting: Background Image Vertical Positioning

Determine how the header background image will be vertically aligned within the header.

If no background image is uploaded, this setting has no effect.

Setting: Repeating Background Image

If this setting is checked, the background image will repeat infinitely to cover the available header space.

If no background image is uploaded, this setting has no effect.

Setting: Background Color

Select a color to be used as the background color for the header area.

If a background image is uploaded, this color will fill the space behind, above, below, to the left, and to the right of the background image if the background image does not take up all of the available space.



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