Offer Online Classes
The most flexible affordable way for teachers and schools to move or start online.

Trusted by millions of students and these fine schools:

Manage Enrollments
Easily add free or paying learners into your LMS
Enhance Learning
Create effective online learning experiences
Stay Secure & Compliant
Protect school & user privacy, security & more
Scale Your School
Start small or scale up to a global learning institution
Access Reporting
Get the reports, data & analytics your school needs
Get Support
Surround yourself with industry leading tech support
Most Popular LifterLMS Features For Online Schools

Featured Online School Case Study

How Madame Alexa Makes Learning French Fun for Young Pupils with LifterLMS
Creative teacher builds interactive online educational activities with early learners in mind…
Is LifterLMS right for your online school?
LifterLMS is a perfect fit for…
- Innovative teachers looking for a more customizable LMS
- Forward-looking schools looking to evolve
- Startup schools of all kinds and established institutions
LifterLMS is not for…
- Schools that resist innovation and change
- Schools and teachers without basic tech skills
- Schools that don’t take online education seriously
Online Schools Deployed Quickly
“Adult ed programs are so excited when they wake up in the morning and there are students who have found their site… signed up for their program, made an appointment, and it’s all sitting there in their lap ready to go, powered by LifterLMS.”

Remote Learning IT Professional
Ready to get started creating your online school?
Try LifterLMS 100% risk-free for 30 days.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Yes, LifterLMS can handle the selling of access to online education, but the ecommerce feature is optional.
Yes, The LifterLMS Course Cohorts add-on is designed for exactly this.
If you need basic free online education then the LifterLMS free plan is perfect for you. If you need more advanced online education with requirements like advanced quizzes with manual grading, assignments, and course cohorts, the Infinity Bundle plan is a good fit.
Yes, LifterLMS has automated certificate generation, prerequisites, and course tracks for multi-course degree programs.
Yes, LifterLMS is standing by to answer any questions you may have. We also have a list of 3rd party experts we recommend who can set up the LMS website for you if you prefer.
Yes, email us anytime at or join one of our live “ask me anything” calls.