LifterLMS Action Reference

Action Overview

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Actions are one of two kinds of hooks made available in WordPress.

Before getting started with LifterLMS actions, you may want to familiarize yourself with how to utilize actions in WordPress and the WordPress core function add_action().

Actions can be added to your theme’s or child theme’s functions.php file or to a site-specific plugin.

While we aim to keep the documentation below up to date, the best way to find actions is by looking at the code. There are hundreds of actions available in LifterLMS. Head over to the LifterLMS Code Reference to find a full list of all available actions.

Catalog Actions

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lifterlms_archive_description & lifterlms_after_main_content

Output custom content before or after the dynamic course/membership catalog content

Checkout Page

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Output custom content before the checkout form.


Output custom content after the checkout form.

Course Template Actions

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The following actions output various pieces of content on LifterLMS Course Pages:

Hook Function Priority Description
lifterlms_single_course_before_summary lifterlms_template_single_featured_image 10  Outputs featured image
lifterlms_single_course_before_summary lifterlms_template_single_video 20 Outputs course video embed
lifterlms_single_course_before_summary lifterlms_template_single_audio 30 Outputs course audio embed
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_meta_wrapper_start 5 Outputs meta information wrapper opening markup
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_length 10 Outputs course length information
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_difficulty 20 Output course difficulty information
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_course_tracks 25 Output course track list
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_course_categories 30 Output course category list
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_course_tags 35 Output course tag list
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_course_author 40 Output course author name, bio, and image
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_meta_wrapper_end 50 Output meta information closing wrapper markup
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_prerequisites 55 Output warning about required prerequisites
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_pricing_table 60 Outputs the pricing table (only for non-enrolled users and visitors)
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_course_progress 60 Output the course progress bar and continue button (enrolled students only)
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_syllabus 90 Output the course syllabus
lifterlms_single_course_after_summary lifterlms_template_single_reviews 100 Output reviews (when enabled)

Need some examples of how to remove these actions? See: How can I remove the display of the course syllabus, author, and more?

Want to add information before of after any of these elements? Here’s an example:


Lesson Template Actions

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The following actions output various pieces of content on LifterLMS Lesson Pages:

Hook Function Priority Description
lifterlms_single_lesson_before_summary lifterlms_template_single_parent_course 10 Outputs the “Back to course” link at the top of a lesson
lifterlms_single_lesson_before_summary lifterlms_template_single_lesson_video 20 Outputs lesson featured video embed
lifterlms_single_lesson_before_summary lifterlms_template_single_lesson_audio 20 Outputs lesson featured audio embed
lifterlms_single_lesson_after_summary lifterlms_template_complete_lesson_link 10 Outputs the mark (in)complete / take quiz button
lifterlms_single_lesson_after_summary lifterlms_template_lesson_navigation 20 Outputs the Next / Previous lesson tiles

Enrollment Actions

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Allows custom functions to be run when a student is enrolled in a course


Allows custom functions to be run when a student is enrolled in a membership


Allows custom functions to be run when a student is removed from a course


Allows custom functions to be run when a student is removed from a membership

Student Dashboard Actions

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The following actions output various pieces of content on LifterLMS Student Dashboard:

Hook Function Priority Description
lifterlms_before_student_dashboard_content lifterlms_template_student_dashboard_header 10 Outputs the dashboard header area. Includes the page title & navigation
lifterlms_before_student_dashboard_content lifterlms_template_student_dashboard_navigation 10 Outputs the dashboard navigation bar
lifterlms_before_student_dashboard_content lifterlms_template_student_dashboard_title 20 Outputs the dashboard page title
lifterlms_student_dashboard_index lifterlms_template_student_dashboard_my_courses 10 Outputs the recent courses list on the dashboard index page
lifterlms_student_dashboard_index lifterlms_template_student_dashboard_my_achievements 20 Outputs the achievements section on the dashboard index page
lifterlms_student_dashboard_index lifterlms_template_student_dashboard_my_certificates 30 Outputs the certificates section on the dashboard index page
lifterlms_student_dashboard_index lifterlms_template_student_dashboard_my_memberships 40 Outputs the memberships section on the dashboard index page

Each of these actions can be removed by using remove_action():

User Actions

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Allows custom functions to be run when a student completes a lesson

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