LaunchPad Settings: Typography

The Typography Settings allows you to choose custom font families and define their sizes.

Section: Font Family Options

Select custom font families from a small set of generic web-safe fonts and the entirety of webfonts available from Google Fonts.

Setting: Body Font Family

Select a font from the list.

The selected font will be loaded as the default font for all content on your website. The remaining settings in the section will overrule this default font.

Setting: Headings Font Family

Select a font from the list.

The selected font will be loaded and used for all Headings on your site. Headings are HTML h1 through h6 elements.

Setting: Main Menu Font Family

Select a front from the list.

The selected font will be loaded and used for all links in the site’s primary menu in the header.


Section: Font Size Options

Define custom text sizes for various elements on the site.

Setting: Site Title Font Size

Enter a font size in pixels.

This setting will adjust the size of the Site Title as defined in your WordPress General Settings.

If you upload a Logo on the Header Settings tab, this setting will have no effect.

Setting: Heading Font Size H1 – H6

Enter a font size in pixels.

These settings will define the size of the headings on the site. Headings are HTML h1 through h6 elements.

Setting: Paragraph Font Size

Enter a font size in pixels.

Define the size of regular website copy (paragraph elements).

Setting: List Element Font Size

Enter a font size in pixels.

Define the size of regular website list elements (<li> elements).


Section: Header Font Options

Define custom text colors for the website’s header elements.

Setting: Heading Font Color H1 – H6

Enter a color to define the text color of the element.

These settings will define the colors of the headings on the site. Headings are HTML h1 through h6 elements.

Last Updated on
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