Consider This If You Want to Make an Online Music Course

If you’re a musician looking to create an online course, it’s important to put some thought into what your new training offering will look like.
How would you approach the following 3 considerations? …

1) Think about the venue

Classrooms, studios, and making house calls are not the only viable venues for teaching music.
In the digital world, there are powerful digital spaces to teach from like a …

  • Website
  • Skype
  • Zoom
  • Google Hangout

The venue is an interesting topic because in the physical world it may be costly, have capacity constraints, and time constraints.
In the digital world, venues are relatively cheap or free and can even have unlimited capacity.

2) Are you teaching in an active or passive method or both?

With online courses you can create passive lessons where the teaching is delivered through video, audio, text, and/or images. Creating your passive course materials is sometimes referred to as instructional design.
An active method would be teaching live in person or through a live digital meeting. Active teaching involves your direct involvement. It cannot happen if you are not present.
Active and passive-active combination methods have higher perceived value so you can charge more for the course if there are some active elements.
Depending on your priorities you may prefer completely passive methods so your direct time is not required. Or you may prefer some active involvement so you can charge more and work with a smaller select group of people.
It’s all about you and your priorities.

3) Should you develop the online education platform or hire a professional?

Did it take you a while to master your musical talent?
I bet it did.
The same is true for technology.
If you are ready to learn new skills, it is perfectly acceptable to roll up the sleeves and learn the new skills required to build an online course delivery system or learning management system “LMS.”
If you are interested in having a professional put together your online music education platform, click here for a special video message and contact details.