LifterLMS Celebrates 10 Years In Business

Today marks a very important milestone for LifterLMS—our 10th anniversary.

It was exactly 10 years ago that we launched LifterLMS to the world and made our first sale. Our very first customer purchased LifterLMS from Greensboro, North Carolina to teach auto mechanics online.

10 years later, LifterLMS has customers in 165 countries, and the free core LifterLMS plugin has been downloaded over 1,432,369 times.

When I consider all the factors that have led us here, it really comes down to one word: People.

Yes, we’re a technology company. Yes, the code is crucial. But the driving force behind LifterLMS’s success is the people.

It’s the people who:

  • Work at LifterLMS, shaping the vision, writing the code, getting the word out, and supporting our users.
  • Partner with us to further the online education mission and integrate tools education entrepreneurs need.
  • Use LifterLMS to teach online, whether they do it for free or as a business.
  • Choose LifterLMS for their client projects.
  • Participate in our online communities.
  • Take courses and memberships powered by LifterLMS, whether or not they even realize what tools they’re using.
  • Engage with our project in the broader WordPress, eLearning, and entrepreneurship online and in-person communities.

What motivates me tirelessly is the potential of online education. I’m fortunate to have the clarity of having the same life mission as our company mission which is to lift up others through education.

I believe learning is one of the greatest powers and wonders in the world. Learning is a core aspect of what it means to be a human being and thrive.

Online learning has the power to create a ripple effect of positive change in the world, with exponential potential. Online learning is about more than just information—it’s about:

  • Creating upward mobility in societies across the globe.
  • Generating income and economic opportunities.
  • Driving positive social change.
  • Empowering mental, physical, and emotional growth.
  • Providing creative and professional freedom for educators and creators.

In many ways, we’re like the toolmakers of the “gold rush” in the 1800s. But unlike that gold rush, our tools at LifterLMS don’t just unlock financial potential; they help improve humanity.

There are stagnations, downward spirals, and upward spirals in the world. I firmly believe LifterLMS contributes to a very important upward spiral.

Thank you for being part of the LifterLMS story and for everything you’ve contributed along the way. We’ve accomplished a lot in the past decade, and I’m confident the next 10 years will bring even more impact and growth to the world.

Take a moment to pause and celebrate this decade-long journey. Here’s to many more years of empowering web professionals, educators, and creators to create impact, income, and freedom.

It’s great to be with you on the journey 🚀