Where should I host my videos for my courses?

LifterLMS recommends hosting your videos on Vimeo, Wistia, Vidalytics, VdoCipher, or YouTube.

LifterLMS Advanced Videos can be used with Vimeo, Wistia, or YouTube.

LifterLMS allows you to embed videos on your course and lessons using WordPress’s default oEmbed capabilities. Video hosting providers include, but are not limited to YouTube and Vimeo. For an exhaustive list of oEmbed providers WordPress supports please see their documentation at https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds.

LifterLMS also includes oEmbed support for Wistia.

If you choose to use Presto Player, as one of the options listed on LifterLMS Recommended Resources, it has a direct integration with Bunny.net for video hosting. This allows you to use the WordPress Media library as a portal to manage your video content. The video is not hosted on your site, but the user experience imitates the sensation of hosting the video in the media bin for ease of placement.

If you want to host your own videos on Amazon, you can use a tool like S3 Media Maestro to serve up your Amazon hosted media in your LifterLMS site in a secure way.

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